What to expect from the Academy Pathways Programme and the Annual Meeting?
Annual Meeting Academy Programme
Lead: Dr Ramon Vila Coll – Bellvitge University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
What can you expect?
Ultrasound has been widely implemented as an important tool in the diagnostic armamentarium of vascular clinics across Europe. The aim of the Certificate of Competence in Vascular Ultrasound (CCVUS) is to assess basic vascular ultrasound competence and determine readiness of an operator to progress towards independent practice. Achieving an ESVS-certification in basic vascular US indicates that the experienced operator is able to demonstrate satisfactory technical skills, is able to scan without direct supervision, and has the decision-making skills to call on expert supervisors when needed.
The exam is divided in two parts
One part (22/09/2022 14:00 – 16:00) covers the written exam with 50 multiple-choice questions (60 minutes).
The second part (22/09/2022 16:30 – 18:30), in the afternoon, is a practical exam in which candidates will have to demonstrate their practical skills when performing two to three vascular ultrasound examinations that will be evaluated by examiners according to a standardised evaluation form (approx. 10-15 minutes).
For a copy of the full curriculum, please email info@esvs.org