VASSA Constitution
Read or download the VASSA Constitution below.
NAME: The Society will be known as The Vascular Society of Southern Africa (VASSA) (hereafter referred to as the Society).
FUNCTION: The Vascular Society of Southern Africa acts as a special group of the South African Medical Association.
OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the Society are:
- To aim at the improvement and advancement of the study of vascular disease in general.
- To act as mouthpiece for medical and paramedical persons with an interest in vascular disease.
- The advancement of knowledge and the science of vascular surgery.
- To stimulate research in all aspects of vascular diseases.
Full Membership
- Any member of the South African Medical Association who is resident in the Republic of South Africa and who has a special interest in the treatment in actual practice and the handling of vascular conditions may apply for full membership of the Society.
- Full membership is obtained by a majority vote of the Executive Committee of the Society after the applicant has been proposed and seconded in writing by two full members of the Society.
- Each full member retains his membership until it is terminated.
- By the member handing in his written resignation to the Honourary Secretary/Treasurer or until the Executive Committee of the Society comes to such a decision by means of a majority vote;
- After a year has elapsed and a member has failed to pay his outstanding subscription fees, the Executive Committee may cancel his membership. Membership which has thus been cancelled may be reviewed after the outstanding subscription fees have been paid. During this period of cancellation of membership, the member will not have the right to vote and may not be elected to an office.
- The Society will be dissolved if there should at any stage be less than 11 (eleven) full members.
Special Member
- Persons in the following categories may request to be accepted as Special Members of the Society.
- Physicians who are not resident in the Republic of South Africa on the understanding that they have a special interest in the treatment in actual practice and handling of vascular conditions and that they are members of their respective national medical societies wherever such societies exist;
- Registrars and other trainees who are resident in the Republic of South African and who have a special interest in the treatment in actual practice and handling of vascular conditions;
- Members of paramedical, technical and nursing profession who are resident in the Republic of South African on the understanding that they have a special interest in vascular diseases due to the nature of their activities and that they are members of their respective professional societies.
- The election of special Members takes place by means of a majority vote of the Executive Committee of the Society after the applicant has been proposed and seconded in writing by two members of whom one has to be a full member of the Society.
- Special Members have all the qualifications and advantages of full members except the right to vote and they may not be elected to an office.
- Members, who are thus elected, will be Special Members of the Society but will not be special members of the South African Medical Association.
The general administration and handling of the policies and interests of the Society is in the hands of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee is elected for a period of two years and consists of:
- a President
- an Honourary Secretary/Treasurer, and
- four additional members.
The election of the Executive Committee takes place by means of an ordinary vote during the General Meeting of the Society.
The President, in addition to his ordinary vote, has a casting vote in case the voting should result in a tie.
The Honourary Secretary/Treasurer of the Society keeps minutes of all meeting of the Society or the Executive Committee and handles all correspondence of the Society. He receives all moneys, and effects all payments that have been endorsed by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Society.
The Secretary-General of the South African Medical Association will be provided with a list of office bearers and all members of the Society after every General Meeting.
- A General Meeting of the Society will as far as possible be held at the same time as the biennial meeting of the Society.
- Other meetings or research discussions may from time to time be arranged by the Executive Committee. This will include meetings which will take place in co-operation with other societies that have an interest in vascular diseases.
- Special General Meetings may be arranged if eleven (11) full members of the Society address such a request in writing to the Honourary Secretary/Treasurer.
- Voting by proxy will be allowed at the General Meetings and the form and fashion thereof must correspond to the regulations concerning proxies as defined in the Constitution of the South African Medical Association.
- The Executive Committee meets biannually or if not possible, not less than once per year.
- The Society may take legal and other steps, as considered by the Executive Committee, in all matters concerning the legal interests of its members; provided that the South African Medical Association is not implicated or committed due to such action and provided that any action considered by the Society is in keeping with the policy of the South African Medical Association at the time of such action.
- If the Society should refer any matter concerning the interests of its members to the Federal council of the South African Medical Association for consideration and attention, the Society shall not take any further independent action until such time as the Society is expressly requested by the Federal Council to do so.
- Annual subscription fees are payable by all members of the Society to provide funds for the activities of the Society.
- Subscription fees are established by means of a majority vote during the General Meeting of the Society.
- The Society may allow the forming of sub-groups of the Society within the framework of branches or divisions of the South African Medical Association or in ways such as may be desired.
- A sub-group has to elect an Executive Committee consisting of a Chairman, and Honourary Secretary/Treasurer and two members during an Annual General Meeting of the sub-group.
- Sub-groups may be allowed to act independently in matters of local interest provided that such action is not contrary to the policy and rules of the Society and the South African Medical Association.
- Each sub-group must report to the Honourary Secretary/Treasurer of the Society on all activities of the sub-group.
- The Honourary Secretary/Treasurer of the Society has to submit an annual report and a financial statement to the General Meeting of the Society. Within 30 (thirty) days after the Meeting, the Secretary-General of the South African Medical Association has to be provided with copies thereof.