EJVES June Headlines
EJVES June Headlines
The June 2022 issue is finally online; it appeared with a substantial delay which we would like to apologise for. The technical issues behind this delay are likely to trail into July and August, but we hope to be back on track for September.
Meanwhile we are proud to announce the 2021 Impact Factor which has been released by Clarivate Analytics a few weeks ago: the EJVES reached a reassuring 6.427, which means that during 2021, every EJVES paper published in 2019 and 2020, was cited an average of 6.5 times.
Although this corresponds to a 9 % decrease compared to the 2020 Impact Factor (7.069), it still places the EJVES, for the sixth year in a row, well ahead of all other journals dealing with vascular and endovascular surgery! In addition, the EJVES continues to rank among the top 6 % of surgical Journals (16 out of 280), and into the top quartile of journals dealing with peripheral artery diseases (13 out of 67). We traditionally present a complete analysis of the updated bibliometrics in the September issue; but already now we would like to thank cordially everybody involved in this wonderful success!
The opening Editorial, by Atkins et al., proposes effective ways towards Quality Improvement in Vascular Surgery (read for free). The second Editorial, by Gert de Borst, refers to the long term follow up of the ACST landmark trial (published by Halliday et al. in the April issue) and puts The Long Term Effect of Carotid Endarterectomy on Brain Function into perspective (read for free).
This month’s first Editor’s choice paper, by Antoniou et al., explains the ESVS Clinical Practice Guideline Development Scheme Including an Overview of Evidence Quality Assessment Methods, Evidence to Decision Frameworks, and Reporting Standards – an interesting read even for those who will never co-author clinical guidelines (but regularly use them)! (read for free)
The second Editor’s choice paper, by D’Oria et al., presents an international expert based Delphi consensus on the Principles of Optimal Coagulation Management During Elective Fenestrated and Branched Endovascular Aortic Repairs (PRINCE2SS) (read for free). Comes with an invited commentary by S. Debus.
The last Editor’s choice paper, by Hong et al., is also an EJVES Open Access paper and reports the results of a multicentre RCT on the Clinical Efficacy of Venastent (A Novel Iliac Vein Stent for Non-Thrombotic Lesions). Although the authors found no difference in clinical outcomes compared with the Zilver stent, this stent seems very easy to handle (read for free).
The June 2022 issue also features six additional EJVES Open Access papers:
The paper by Brand et al. assessed Flow Cytometry Based Platelet Reactivity Testing to Predict Per-operative Solid Microemboli During CEA. The authors concluded that reliable assessment of platelet reactivity may be key to prevent perioperative stroke (read for free). Comes with an invited commentary by J.B. Ricco et al.
The second EJVES Open Access paper, by Stana et al., describes the Munich Valsalva Implantation Technique (MuVIT) for Standard and Complex TEVAR. This first experience suggests that manual lung ʹbloatingʹ under general anaesthesia may be a useful adjunct to reduce cardiac output for precise TEVAR deployment (read for free). Comes with an invited commentary by A. Kahlberg et al.
The third EJVES Open Access paper, by Hanna et al., reports a systematic review of Coeliac Artery Coverage During TEVAR. Although risk of adverse events was high in 15 observational studies, risk of bias was equally high (read for free).
The fourth EJVES Open Access paper, by Kolossvary et al., describes the degree of Clinical Variation in the Use of Lower Extremity Revascularisation Procedures in Hungary (2013 – 2017). The described measure of regional variation may be useful to detect organisational deficiencies also in other contexts (read for free).
The fifth EJVES Open Access paper, by Eiberg et al., is a Jugaar paper and describes Intravascular Ultrasound as a Valuable Tool in Iliac Endofibrosis Diagnosis (read for free).
Finally, the last EJVES Open Access paper, by Liu et al., is a Coup d’Oeil paper and shows how to Kill Three Birds with One Stone by Covered Stenting of a Complicated Carotid Lesion (read for free).
We hope you join us in celebrating the latest impact factor release which suggests that the EJVES continues to be a worthwhile journal for all, authors, readers and editors. We remain committed to our mission to provide you with the best research, clinical guidance and continued medical education in vascular care. Please enjoy the current issue during your well-deserved summer break.
Florian Dick Martin Björck
Editor-in-Chief Senior Editor
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